Our Services

When you engage Human Ethos, you will always be working directly with Sally and Carly.

Whether working with an individual or a group, we are highly skilled at building safety, trust and openness. We create a safe space for robust, important discussions that lead to a greater sense of connectedness and wellbeing.

We match our services to the specific needs of an individual or organisation.
We are always happy to chat.
Contact us for more information.

Services for the judiciary

At Human Ethos, we are internationally recognised experts in judicial wellbeing education, consultation and intervention. In this work, we are engaged by:

Judicial education bodies

Courts and tribunals

Individual judicial officers

Over the past 15 years, we have worked with jurisdictions across Australia, as well as the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and the Pacific. We have also presented to global judicial audiences at events hosted by the UN and at other international judicial conferences.

What we do

Our work addresses a wide range of judicial wellbeing challenges and opportunities, both systemic and individual.

    • Stress and wellbeing in judicial work

    • Burnout, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue

    • Empathy based stress

    • Emotion in judicial work

    • Thriving in the judicial role

    • Meaning and purpose in the judicial role

    • Transition points in the judicial career, including commencement, middle years, and retirement

    • Supporting judicial colleagues

    • Judicial conduct, bullying and sexual harassment

    • Strengthening court culture

    • Improving collective understanding of judicial stress

    • Reducing isolation in the judicial role

    • Destigmatising judicial stress

  • Judicial leaders’ role in supporting judicial wellbeing

    Leading through change

    Supporting courts through crisis, grief and loss

    Judicial leaders’ role in shaping healthy court culture

    • Managing critical incidents

    • Working with self-represented parties

    • Managing high conflict behaviours

How we work

We work collaboratively with leaders to understand the specific challenges and needs of a jurisdiction, division or individual, and match our service to the specific need.

Our tailored approach can include:

  • Individual coaching or therapy with judicial officers

  • Facilitating targeted and impactful small and large group workshops

  • Presenting to jurisdictions on a relevant issue

  • Cross-jurisdictional conference presentations

  • Co-facilitation with judicial leaders on matters of strategy or culture

  • Small group facilitated peer discussions or communities of practice

  • Consulting to wellbeing committee

By working with the judiciary, we’ve helped enable

  • Greater openness about stress and wellbeing in the judicial community

  • Clarity about what the issues are for judicial officers and courts

  • A sense of collective responsibility to address systemic issues and take greater individual responsibility at the same time

  • A global conversation about judicial stress

  • Conversations that take the cultural discourse to a new level.

Please note that we do not provide emergency support services. 
If you need immediate help, please call 000